
Decode market volatility with history analogs. IVAnalog analyzes today’s implied volatility (IV) prices and term structure against past patterns, offering valuable context and insights.

Category: fundamentals

  • How to Read VIX Term Structure Charts in IVAnalog.com

    If you’ve ever seen a VIX term structure chart and weren’t sure what it meant, you’re not alone! This post will break it down in simple terms, explaining what it represents, why it matters, and how to interpret it. What Is a VIX Term Structure Chart? A VIX term structure chart shows how the market… Read more

  • Beyond VIX: Understanding Option Premiums, VIX Futures, and Hidden Risks

    The VIX Index, often called the “fear gauge,” is widely used by traders and investors to assess market volatility. However, misinterpreting VIX or relying on it in isolation can lead to mispriced risks and costly mistakes. To navigate volatility effectively, one must understand the relationship between VIX, option premiums, VIX futures, and the risks that… Read more

  • What We Do: Using VIX Term Structure and Historical Analogs to Understand Market Risks

    At IVAnalog.com, we specialize in analyzing VIX term structure and historical analogs to provide insights into market volatility. By studying how the VIX has behaved in the past—especially before and during major market events—we aim to help investors and traders understand current market conditions in context. While history doesn’t repeat itself exactly, it often provides… Read more

  • How VIX, Implied Volatility (IV), and Option Prices Interact in the Stock Market?

    The VIX Index, implied volatility (IV) of individual stocks, and option prices are all interconnected within the broader financial ecosystem. While VIX measures the expected volatility of the S&P 500, individual stock IV reflects expected volatility for a specific stock. Understanding how these elements influence each other is crucial for options traders, market analysts, and… Read more

  • VIX Futures, Term Structure and Implications

    The VIX Index is widely known as the market’s “fear gauge,” but understanding VIX futures and term structure is crucial for traders and investors who want to navigate volatility effectively. Unlike the spot VIX, which represents implied volatility expectations over the next 30 days, VIX futures provide insights into the market’s forecast for volatility at… Read more

  • What is the VIX and Why It Matters?

    When it comes to market sentiment and risk assessment, few indicators are as widely followed as the VIX—often referred to as the “fear gauge” of the stock market. Whether you’re a trader, investor, or simply curious about market volatility, understanding the VIX Index can provide valuable insights into market behavior. What is the VIX? The… Read more