Decode market volatility with history analogs. IVAnalog analyzes today’s implied volatility (IV) prices and term structure against past patterns, offering valuable context and insights.
When it comes to market sentiment and risk assessment, few indicators are as widely followed as the VIX—often referred to as the “fear gauge” of the stock market.…
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If you’ve ever seen a VIX term structure chart and weren’t sure what it meant, you’re not alone! This post will break it down in simple terms, explaining…
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The VIX (Volatility Index) holds a unique place in financial markets because of its structural properties and practical meaning. Unlike traditional market indices or indicators, the VIX provides…
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The VIX term structure is a powerful tool for understanding how markets price volatility risk over different time horizons. It provides a window into investor sentiment and expectations…
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The VIX Index, often called the “fear gauge,” is widely used by traders and investors to assess market volatility. However, misinterpreting VIX or relying on it in isolation…
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At, we specialize in analyzing VIX term structure and historical analogs to provide insights into market volatility. By studying how the VIX has behaved in the past—especially…
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The VIX Index, implied volatility (IV) of individual stocks, and option prices are all interconnected within the broader financial ecosystem. While VIX measures the expected volatility of the…
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